Tuesday, April 19, 2016

There is no such thing as to much water!

A couple years ago I found myself griping about all the water that was in the river because it messed up the fishing. The very next day, I sat through a presentation about how people in Africa didn’t have enough clean water to even drink. I felt like such a putts, and I knew those feelings weren’t self-induced. I knew I was being told to do something. I started looking for ways to help.

As fly fishermen we know the importance of good water. It’s what we travel over the globe in search of, but for different reasons. Just think about the trouble you went through to find the last piece of fishable water you hit—now understand that the people in parts of Africa have a more intense search, but this one is between life and death. Make our search seem a bit small at times.

Living Water International realized that Water was the vehicle to bring Love and Hope to people that had none. They knew that by drilling just one well in a village they could impact the whole region. Kids would no longer have to spend most of their day looking for and carrying water but now could go school and break the cycle of poverty. These wells bring love, Hope, and Change to regions that thought they had none.

The next time you stand in your favorite run could I humbly ask you to think about helping me, help Living Water International bring water and all the love and hope that it brings to the people of Africa? If so you can easily donate by using this link. https://www.water.cc/natebailey Thank you!

A couple years ago I found myself griping about all the water that was in the river because it messed up the fishing. The very next day, I sat through a presentation about how people in Africa didn’t have enough clean water to even drink. I felt like such a putts, and I knew those feelings weren’t self-induced. I knew I was being told to do something. I started looking for ways to help. As fly fishermen we know the importance of good water. It’s what we travel over the globe in search of, but for different reasons. Just think about the trouble you went through to find the last piece of fishable water you hit—now understand that the people in parts of Africa have a more intense search, but this one is between life and death. Make our search seem a bit small at times. Living Water International realized that Water was the vehicle to bring Love and Hope to people that had none. They knew that by drilling just one well in a village they could impact the whole region. Kids would no longer have to spend most of their day looking for and carrying water but now could go school and break the cycle of poverty. These wells bring love, Hope, and Change to regions that thought they had none. The next time you stand in your favorite run could I humbly ask you to think about helping me, help Living Water International bring water and all the love and hope that it brings to the people of Africa? If so you can easily donate by using this link. https://www.water.cc/natebailey Thank you!

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