
Monday, July 18, 2016

Where to fish in Southern Oregon? A Rogue, Williamson and Wood River Report!

Where should I fish in Southern Oregon right now? That is a question that is amazingly hard to answer right now...all the rivers are fishing extremely well!

The Rogue: We have been catching steel since June. Normally this is a real spotty prospect this time of year, but lately you could feel pretty confident that you'll at least touch one. We have been swing real buggy soft hackles with great success. They have been working for both Trout and Steelhead! Hold on once you hit a larger fish as they are silver bullets and have the full intention of tearing up your gear!

The Williamson: is stacked, but you had better bring your witts as they are deep and the river is clear. These conditions mean you had better get your swing down without lining these large trout. Once you figure it out they are more than willing to smack your offering. There are some BIG lake runners up as far as the county park. My epoxy leach and PTBFE have been producing well.

The Wood and Lake: Hunt for the cool water! Once you find it you'll find fish, and a ton of them! I'm doing well with small buggers!

The Basin is still a bit wild!
Klamath SHARK!!!!
Williamson "Steelhead"
The Lake Never Disappoints  
Williamson Fish loved the PTBFE

Rogue Trout Action was Hot during Andras Outfitters Kids Camp


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