
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A 2020 Williamson River Report

The Williamson River opened with a bang, and, mark my words, will be on fire this year! Drought years drive fish in the Klamath lake to find cool water. The big push usually happens in late July, but this year the trophy Redbands are already shooting up river. Here we are in mid June and the river is already clear and flowing at July levels. 
Fish low and slow in the sun and hit the riffles at dawn and dusk. 

Throw anything buggy. With the weather warming the Williamson has multiple prolific hatches. I like to fish emergers that mimic several insects at a time. The pbfe has always been a top producer, along with seal leaches and soft hackles. 

Mornings I love to fish poly leaders to adjust depth and swing, if you haven't tried the new LTS polyline system you owe it to yourself to try it. Its so versatile you can go to a nymph rig to a swing rig in the blink of an eye. 
Once the sun is up you had better switch to a sinker as the big fish retreat its warm rays. 

If you don't want to tackle the Williamson River on your own we would live to show you all of its intricatecies through one of our custom trips. To find out more about us go to . 

Either way you have to experience the Williamson River. Its aggressive fish will leVe you shaking and wanting more.