
Sunday, March 13, 2016

We made it through this weeks storms pretty well! The Upper Rogue will be filled with fresh Winter Steelhead.

The Rogue Swelled to some Huge levels today, but the sun is now shining and the Rogue will start to recede. I hope the Applegate follows as well! The 10 day forecast looks real promising  as well. the great thing about all this water is the fish that it has pulled up. There were some bright fish hitting the hatchery today and I'm sure more pods are on their way, and they were all large fish! As soon as the water drops you better be here!

Shady to Dodge has some great swing runs, I would swing either the Tipple Density sinker Scandis with a Rogue River Recon or a Skagit with Hobo Speys. Hit the seam water and find the small buckets that the plug guys can't fish.

Watch out below Takelma, as that section is always changing and will have debris in the water. With that said, Hit the river it should be fantastic!

If the forecast holds, this should be the week!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Just in time for Rogue Winter Steelhead -- LTS triple density Scandi

So whats all the hype for a triple density scandi? They will efficiently open up your winter steelheading to Skagit level while allowing you to stick with some of the more traditional spey cast. For more info check out the video below! You will fall in love with these lines!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Rogue River Winter Steelhead are in the Building--a Rogue River report!

Its getting to be that time of year when the big fish start to show up. I love this time of year because it brings the Rogues biggest steelhead of the year. The water can be tricky at times, but the rewards are awesome.

The Rogue is running at a average 44 Deg and at a perfect 2400 cfs at Dodge. This is soon to change as there is a forecast of a storm train on its way! These spring  storms raise the river quickly, but they also load the upper river with fish. Catch the river on the drop, emerald green if you can, and you will find fresh pods all over the upper section.

Leave the floaters at home, unless your Todd Hirano, or planning to grease line. For us mere mortals a full sinking Scandi or even a heavy Skagit is in order.

I fish everything from Huge Hobo Speys, to naturals this time of year. The biggest thing you have to remember is that your fly has to be in front of the fish. This will dictate what setup to use. In flows under 5000cfs (at Dodge) Its mostly a Scandi  game for me, as I have a full bag of LTS Short Speed Lines, and LTS 3S Scandi's. At the top Scandi flows (4000-5000) I fish the 135. Meaning the tip section is a type 5 sink, the belly is a type 3 and the rear is a type 1. The mid scandi flows I use my 123. At the lightest, clear and cold flows I use the FHI as its stealthier than a floater.   The beauty of fishing these lines is that they stay strait in the water column and are uniform through out the swing. A single density line will always sink belly first as its the heaviest portion of the taper.  Anything above 5000 get out the intermediate Skagits, and some heavy tips.

I fish my Wired Flies and the Rogue River Recon recon when I'm fishing Scandis. I fish Nate's Wired Rogue when swing the big stuff.

Watch the weather, hit the river after the storms, even if it its off color, as there will be pods of fresh, new fish. Learn how to find fish when the river is high, find the soft spots and learn how to manipulate your presentation to fish those spots. The winter run will humble you, gift you, and teach you more about Steelhead than the easy summer season ever could. Once you become a proficient winter steelheader the summer will seem easy.

Get out there! The Winter Run is where Steelheaders are born, and its the season that all others are compared to.
The Short Speedline will change your Winter Swing!
The winter solitude is enough to get me out of bed!

Scandi Day